Sirma Business Consulting attends Oracle Partner Summit in Reading

26 apr 2017
Sirma Group, the largest Bulgarian IT group, turned 25 years since its foundation and together with all companies into the holding celebrated its birthday on a spectacular corporate event “The Next 25 – The Smart Enterprise”, where the C-level managers outlined the trends and the companies ambitions to face challenges ahead. The show was held on April 24, in the “Sofia Grand Hall”, at 19:00, the Congress Center, Marinella Hotel in Sofia.
The primary focus on Sirma’s software products and business development has been the artificial intelligence, its various applications in cognitive business solutions and knowledge management systems, since the foundation of the enterprise. Today, Sirma’s longstanding expertise in this field places the company in a leading role in Bulgaria, positioning the enterprise as an established and recognizable partner of well-known companies and organizations in Europe, America and Asia. During the event, the founders of leading daughter’s companies in the group shared their vision and future plans, and demonstrated some of their latest technology and products to the audience.
The speakers of the event were Cvetan Alexiev, CEO of Sirma Group Holding, Atanas Kiryakov, CEO of Ontotext, Rossen Varbanov, CEO of Sirma Medical Systems, Yavor Djonev, CEO of Sirma Group Inc., USA, Tsvetomir Doskov, CEO of Sirma Business Consulting, Georgi Marinov, CEO of EngView Systems and Rumyana Stoykova, Product Director of LOYAX.